Thursday, September 13, 2012

Waking Up

I've known all my life that I wake up in layers. I often even feel like I'm awake and try to move and the body doesn't. That can be in the middle of the night or in the morning when someone is trying to get us up. It's really frustrating to have someone telling us to get up, Dad, Girlfriend, etc, and we are trying and nothing is happening, or so it appears. What they don't get, and I didn't understand until this morning, is that we are waking up all split up. So while I'm awake, who is out might not be. Or I might be out and awake, and others are still asleep. The internal alarm bells we set off help some, but more like 50%. They don't seem to reach everyone. When some are still asleep then our brain is slowed down. A lot. And it has the side effect of making whomever is out to be drowsy too. Hard to focus then...

What brought the layers home for me this morning is that I was ready to go to work but it wasn't time yet. I sat down on the sofa and fell back asleep. I  was still out of energy from the night before. (I went on an hour walk after work on top of bad nutrition, too much snack food and soda, and ended up with a pinched nerve and my spirit was warn out!) Anyways I noticed my body went to sleep but I was still awake but slowed and pulled deep inside. Then I had the funniest feeling of what felt like I was floating out then a bubble gum bubble popping on my nose and I had the sensation of being awake and the drowsy feeling was gone. But it was Scotty, not me. We seem to share so much of the same brain space that we feel the same, except his thoughts are very kid like and scares really easy. He's jumpy. Not too long after that we were leaving and he told Girl Number 2 about it and said it felt like something hit his nose. He rode to work for a few mins then I started yawning and woke back up and he phased out. We just can't hold him out very long.

The layers, which I used to call my waking up phases, were always us waking up as personalities. Just when they were hidden inside I couldn't comprehend what was wrong and why I was so different.

We are still struggling to all fully wake up and it's 2pm. Even after eating breakfast and lunch, and multiple sodas with caffeine. This is nothing new and I struggle like this just about every day to wake up. Finally anywhere from 3-7pm I'll wake up. It's like someone has to keep sleeping, or we take turns, until we get enough.

Every year we have about 3 to 4 days where we wake up ready and rearing to go. We can't figure out how to make it happen everyday. We hate to go to sleep because we finally woke up when it's time to sleep. So we stay up too late and then can't wake up. We've tried multiple times to go to bed earlier but it doesn't seem to help and just makes our day really short.

Sleep disorder?

Yesterday I started taking vit. B-12. Hoping that helps!

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