Friday, June 1, 2018

David Snyder - Hypnosis Training

I've been learning Hypnosis for years. In 2018 we've been focusing in on it deeper than ever. In that process I ran across David Snyder. OMG!


(Hypnotize a group)

4 Magic Bullets - Modified David Elman
(Or just use as the induction)

Cleaning Up Shit

Pain Relief - Spinning - "neuro-semantic energetic repatterning"

(aberration to fix it)

Or even enhance a good feeling by spinning faster the direction it's already going

Grey Room
This is the type of process we used where Scotty moved from 5 yo to 12 yo and merged in many ways with Scott.

This is used to remove negativity. Those things that don't benefit your life.

Holographic Desk Top Approach In The Grey Room
Combined with magic frame
Used to sort positive and negative memories
This Concept Starts at: 8m35s

Healing Emotionally - Memory or Imagination safe place
2:36 Safe place
5:00 Color where sensation of saftey is felt / ball of energy of those feelings
6:40 scan for tension and density and flow positive energy over them

Controlling Yourself
State Control
   (David - Power Pose)


Procrasination Blaster

Identity By Design
  Universal Solvent
Universal Solvent: ?t=2825
Womb of Eternity: ?t=49m40s
Grey Room: ?t=53m10s

Therapy Approach
Universal Solvant: &t=8m10s
Womb of Eternity: &t10m50s
Glowing Highway of Time: &t11m36s
 Fold back in time to a place before body and first memory
hold the divine being/spark of life
Love on it

  Grey Room

(Hinted at)

  Magic Frame

Pillars of Power

  Voice of Authority & Womb of Eternity

  Garden interface to Sub-Selves/Co-Personalities

Law of Attraction

Influencing Others

Mind Control Skills

(3 Magic Questions: time=46m)

Weapons of Social Seduction / NLP

Job Interviews

Weight Release 

  • Grey Room
  • Magic Frame
  • Self Directed Regression

at 1:23:34


Master Mind

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Welcome Home Scotty

One thing we've been stumped on for a long time is why Scotty has continued to live alone in his dark space. Sure sometimes he'll come out front and crack a joke, or even front some, but he's never been part of the group.

Tonight there was a big rain storm and we stayed up until it passed because we have panic attacks and can't relax from the noise. The thunder specifically, but the hard rain too. Anyways we have been working through a video series and we watched part 2 tonight.

Video is on a closed facebook group or I'd share the link.
(For me:

During this video there was a vibration healing/hypnosis/thing...

Anyways we took it on to do self work instead of just listening to it for learning how to do it. We dug inside and quickly realized that Scotty and Scott needed to have some chats. I won't go into details but there were lots of tears as old feelings were finally resolved. And we were left as a group HAPPY. Truly finally a family in our head because Scotty has finally decided to join us. And he's tired of being scared 5 year old Scotty. In an instant he aged to 12. He wants to relive that time period where we made so many mistakes as a do over.

What does this all mean?
What do we do with a near teenager in our head?

Doesn't matter. That is my fears. That is me (Scott) thinking small.

So ya we are estatic to see where all this goes. Happy and free and light and depression free.
(Funny I was listening to a radio show about depression being healed from heat last night. Sort of a theme happening...)

And apparently now we need to buy cinnamon Life cereal for Scotty because that's his request for the shopping list. Weird... ok...