Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Noticed slip-ups as stress reduces

Back in the grind of work and life after all that vacation time. Christmas tree is put away. Holiday stress is mostly gone.

Job search hasn't gone anywhere yet. Yet...

New application development is on hold while I get some old defects in my existing stuff fixed. I despise having broken code released. LOL

== slip-ups ==
Beast has been coming out more and more frequently for sex. That is ok most of the time but I don't like how often and how much he's taking over when someone else is having fun.

Rachel hasn't been out strongly for a while, but I catch her patterns being out here and there unexpecitly like today after warming up my lunch in the microwave.

Mr. Peare's voice was talking to a co-worker about her short sleeved sweater today. I'm talking to myself asking me why he's talking to her and out at work while I'm thinking I'm talking to her.

But more or less life is how it's been. Somewhat working - and really more working than not. I mostly don't have complains about things related to my system as we interface to the world. But there are little things. Luckily I'm 99.9% functional in life.

I notice that after Beast slips away that Mr. Peare is almost always there.

There are some personalities that come out rarely that we don't know or recognize and they feel funny when they are out. They use our memory space but they aren't us. Everything feels foreign. That seems to only happen when we are really out of it from playing too hard or if we crash out. I find I have to stay balanced our make sure I have time to re-coup if I exert really heavy.

I'm starting to hold my dungeon play to one or two scenes lately because of multiple reasons.
1. I'm going more often so I'm not as needy.
2. I'm enjoying socializing
3. I'm finding that I'm flying a lot lately - I really enjoy playing. It puts me in a good and happy place. But while there I notice my aim and such is off. Like I'm drunk. So I've been pulling back from play when that happens.
4. If I over do it I get really spinny. And while that can be fun once in a while it puts us out of control and we HATE that.

I haven't had a decent scene with girl #2's emo alter for a long time. There's been reasons. I'd like to fix that though. Me and someone talked about it but we still haven't found the right time to do it.

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