Monday, February 11, 2013

Protector Fail - NSFW

This is Akhenaten... Extra adult sexual content warning here... NSFW

Normally when someone else is out I'm on the side lines watching and keeping us safe, pulling in personalities that are going too far, etc. This last week-end I failed... We were having sex with someone that all was a green light with. Except well two things were missed.

First was that I should have actually told girl #2 that I was going to go do that and give her a chance to get anything out of the room first such as I don't know, condoms for her to use with our host we were staying with. For some reason once we were going she felt like she couldn't come in and get them. I'd have been more than welcoming to that.

Second was that Scott and I were swapping out rather rapidly each getting different needs met. We were making out and enjoying. Talking. Catching up with our lady friend. Then the next thing I realize we are fucking without a condom. Once that was happening there didn't seem to be any reason to stop. The fuse was already lit as it were. So I rolled with it and though it would be a minor thing. I'd go get tested. More than likely everything would be fine. I was wrong. There was a huge fall out from girl #2. And I get it and understand it. #1 also was pissed but not at the same level. So ya I still am going to get tested. And now my sex life will suck for a while.

So was it worth it? As most of my system. Hell no!

As Scott. Well... He's not talking right now very much. He's super depressed. Remorseful. Caught off guard that it would be that hot of an issue is an understatement. He's one for the free love mentality.

So DID fall out... Umm ya... Akhenaten, Beast, Mike has a good old fashioned beat down on Scott. He got beat up, chewed on, and cut up to a bloody mess. To the point we were starting to have some real body responses and had to tighten the mental box. He was then thrown in a cage in the corner of our meeting hall we use for group conversations. That is about all we have that we've actively explored inside. Oh except for the hall where Sarah plays her fiddle. And the outside pins where the puppies, Eva, and Beast live. Oh and then there is the American Indian village, but that is a different time and place. And there are the debters prisons but those again are a different place and time.

Scott is on lock down unless we are at work and even then it was mostly me out today.

Ya life sucks right now. This. No money. Bills up the yin/yang. Needing a new car, but it gets me to work for now. No car insurance. That scares me. Girl #1 is getting so much better, but four plus years of sick has really pulled our relationship apart and we need to start over. And just ... shit...

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